To post and publish your case digest to CaseDig, you must have a Gmail account. Login to your Gmail account or Create one if you have none. Other email providers may not work well with this platform.
Simply send your case digest as an email message to following these simple protocol:
- Your email must bear the Subject: CaseDig: Title of Case. (Example: CaseDig: Reyes vs. Court of Appeals). This will appear as your post title when your case digest is published.
- On the left top-most line of your writing pad, write the case citation, preferably the G.R. No. and date of promulgation, not the SCRA or other source reference.
- Below the case citation write: Posted by: Your Name on Date. (Example: Posted by John Doe on 13 July 2018).
- Compose your case digest on Gmail's email writing pad. Do not send your case digest as an email attachment. Case digests sent as attachment will not show up in the CaseDig page and will not be read by the administrator or your audience.
- Your case digest would appear desirably on the CaseDig page if you manually type on the Compose pad, not pasting text on it. If you need to copy content from a source, paste it as plain text by copying it from your source and right-clicking on the pad and clicking "Paste as Plain Text" from the context menu that pops up.
- Include facts and issues that are relevant to Remedial Law and, if relevant to it, Constitutional Law. Write it in the Facts, Issue, and Held format. See Sample Post.
- For uniformity, use Georgia font type at Normal size and observe a single-space environment. To do this, just click anywhere in the writing pad. click Control+A to select all your text, and then on the formatting toolbar, choose Georgia as font type and Normal as font size.
- Finally, at the end of your digest, write: #END. Don't omit the hashtag (#) sign. Everything written below or after this tag will not be posted. When you are ready to go, proof-read your work and once your are sure it is error-free, hit SEND. Your case digest will be sent and posted to the CaseDig page.
- That's it, and your CaseDig will be up and running on the ArinoLegal blawg's CaseDig page. However, in the meantime, the blawg administrator has reserved the right to check your case digest first for flaring errors, confidential, libelous, lewd, vexatious, inappropirate or irrelevant content before having it posted publicly. Authorship and administrator privileges will be rolled out later.
To see your CaseDig contribution, visit the blawgsite at, and search for your name or case title in the Search Bar. Include the tag "CaseDig" to streamline your search. For a list of all cases digested, click on CaseDig on the navigation bar. To see your profile pic on the blawg, FOLLOW the ArinoLegal blawgsite and be part of the WinLawSuites Team, or click the button below to join us:
Please respect copyright or other people's intellectual work. Never copy and publish case digests they have made, published or not, copyrighted or not. Be creative. Say NO to plagiarism!!!